Cairns Tropical Marriages
LEGAL STUFF - What you need & what you need to know:
You must be over the age of 18 years, by law. If one of you is underage then we need parental consent and/or a court order allowing you to marry.
If you are both under age then, unfortunately, all we can consider for now is a commitment ceremony.
As your Celebrant I am legally bound to be certain that both parties consent to the union
You will need to present me with original documentation for sighting.
The NOIM needs to be lodged with your Celebrant of choice no later than one month before the wedding ceremony.
The Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages is very up-to-date and has created a Celebrant's Portal connected directly to their database. Now the Celebrants complete your NOIM for you, online. The Celebrant's Portal then generates digital copies of all the legal paperwork. This paperwork can be signed digitally too and, to make life easier, provided that you are in Australia, your Celebrant can witness the signing of the NOIM via a video-call.
All documentation must be in English. Any non-English documentation must be translated by a NAATI accredited translator.
You need to have two witnesses present on the day of the wedding for the signing of the Marriage Certificate and the Marriage Register, and they both need to be eighteen years of age or older. If you don't have any witnesses then don't worry, I'll be able to organise witnesses for the day.
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